Welcome ECRs to the AWTRS webpages containing the latest information and resources for ECRs (post-doctoral researchers and HDR students). The AWTRS is passionate about promoting our ECR members and helping them develop their career and track record in wound healing and tissue repair. Keep an eye out for our newsletter and on the website for information relating to upcoming conferences, travel awards, research awards, professional development, and tips for applying for the research grants and fellowships.
We want this page to be interactive and useful and so will continue to post short student profiles and help you get to know each other. This is definitely one page you want in your favourites! We value your input and feedback; please feel free to give us suggestions or if you want to get involved the contacting our AWTRS Early Career Representative Dr Andrew Stevenson – andrew.stevenson@uwa.edu.au
ECR Profiles
The aim of our ECR Profiles is to help you get to know your fellow AWTRS ECR members, every couple of months we will be posting a new profile, which will also be included in our society newsletter. If you are interested in having your profile on this page please contact our Early Career Representative Dr Andrew Stevenson andrew.stevenson@uwa.edu.au.
Dr Andrew Stevenson is the current Early Career Representative and won the EMCR award in 2021.